Mahoning Creek Crane Rehab
New Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

Project Details
The scope of this contract encompassed the restoration of the two 64-Ton gantry cranes at Mahoning Creek Dam. The comprehensive rehabilitation work included the complete overhaul of electrical and controls systems, as well as the removal of lead and repainting of the entire crane structure. Furthermore, all motors and brakes were replaced, along with the operators’ cabs and auxiliary cab, which underwent design and window replacement. The project also entailed structural modifications to the crane, repair of main hoist bonnet covers due to excessive corrosion, and a thorough process of startup, testing, and commissioning. In addition, the contract involved the design and installation of a level wind device on the auxiliary hoist and the rebuild of the auxiliary hoist gear box. The main hoist, capable of carrying 65 tons, had a travel distance of 60′, while the auxiliary hoist, with a capacity of 15 tons, covered 160′.